Although written in 1870, this relatively brief Irish novel was not published until it was serialised in the
Whitehall Reviewin 1878-79. Such was Trollope’s productivity at the time of its creation that the explanation for the delay may lie simply in a judicious holding back of work for later publication. 1869-70 saw the publication of
Phineas Finnand
He Knew He was Rightin book form following earlier serialisation;
The Vicar of Bullhampton, and
Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaitein serial and book form; the serialisation of
Ralph the Heir;the appearance of a collection of short stories and a translation of
The Commentaries of Caesar.It is also possible, however, that Trollope was made hesitant by a prevailing resistance to Irish stories, something he had described in an earlier…
1692 words
Citation: Siddle, Yvonne. "An Eye for An Eye". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 19 August 2009; last revised 25 April 2024. [, accessed 19 September 2024.]