New Agewas the leading socialist journal of its day, and a major intellectual venue, introducing British readers to Freud, Nietzsche, and Bergson, and playing a crucial role in literary and artistic modernism. It published Ezra Pound, T.E. Hulme, and Katherine Mansfield, and promoted Picasso, the Futurists, the London Group, and the Vorticists, to name a few. Often classed among the “modernist magazines”, the paper’s status is somewhat complicated by its primary role as a political weekly. However, its character was always unusual. The autodidactic streak marking the Edwardian socialist press and its often provincial, working-class readers was taken to a unique pitch in the
New Age. In format and breadth of intellectual reference, it resembled the urbane, liberal
Nation, while…
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Citation: Mead, Henry. "The New Age". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 January 2010 [, accessed 19 September 2024.]