James Morris's professional writing life began, literally, on a high. Working for
The Timesin 1953, he achieved one of the great newspaper scoops of all time, reporting the news of the first successful ascent of Mount Everest on the morning of Elizabeth II's coronation. At the time of her death nearly fifty years later, Jan Morris was a hugely popular travel writer, successful around the world, a respected essayist and reviewer, author of nearly seventy books, and editor of and contributor to another ninety. Morris was widely recognised as an important and influential writer, yet even she said that on her death the headlines would read “Sex change author dies”. In her life as in her writing, she was, in her own words, passionate, infatuated, and obsessed, doing nothing by halves.…
2688 words
Citation: Fenwick, Gillian. "Jan Morris". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 10 December 2007; last revised 05 July 2021. [https://www.literaryencyclopedia.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=11883, accessed 19 September 2024.]